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What the press say
ComfortableSoftware products have been continuously talked about in the window industries magazines and e-zines. Please read the snippets below taken from a selection of past articles.
Comfortable SELLING     [From the November 2008 issue of 'Conservatory Magazine']
Comfortable Conservatories gives salesman the opportunity to produce a professional and impressive photo-presentation for customers, offering views of the conservatories from multiple angles, including internal views.
The software produces over 70 reports that meet the needs of both the industry and customer. It even boasts a CAD applications to help...

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Conservatory Magazine cover.
Low-Cost High-Quality Software     [From the launch issue of 'Retail Windows Active in 2008'] produces low-cost high-quality software packages for the conservatory and window industry. Their packages are aimed at helping the retailer to sell in style and look more professional with software that is fast and easy to use on the spot.
Comfortable Conservatories: This complete design and presentation tool for salesmen contains a substantial set of standard conservatory styles, panel options, glass effects, door handles, and roofs of which most are adaptable to accommodate customers' and companies' specifications...

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Retail Windows Active launch issue cover.
Cold Comfort     [From the September 2007 issue of 'WFI']
Comfortable Software has expanded conservatory sale potentials with a new version of the flagship Conservatory sales software, ComfortableConservatories v4. One of the new features added is the Comfortable Surface Designer, which is a feature that allows you to show your customers; patios, driveways and decking. All of this can be designed 'live' with the customer, at the point of sale, quickly and professionally.

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WFI Magazine cover.
Comfortable software     [From the June 2006 issue of 'Fenestra Journal']
Andy Fletcher, managing director of Windjammer UK, credits much of his company's success to investing in software. "We use its Comfortable Style" pricing systems, together with its incredible conservatory package that alone was responsible for helping me to earn my Ferrari." The Comfortable Conservatories package has also reduced cancelled orders by leaving the customer with a finished picture of the conservatory on their house at the point of sale and increased their ultimate satisfaction when they see that what they ordered is exactly what they got.

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Retail Windows Active launch issue cover.
Computer software for salesmen not boffins     [December 2005 issue of 'Windows Active']
If you're involved in the sale of windows and conservatories the latest software from should be of interest. It's common sense to realise that selling anything takes a certain level of skill, sweat and luck; and many salesman in the industry will tell you that for conservatories and windows it takes double. Today the industry has changed dramatically and it takes all the skill, sweat and luck you have just to stay competitive. The biggest catalyst for this change has been the computer. The boon that technology offers to modern business is unquestionable...

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Windows Active Magazine cover.
Now Everyone Can Be Comfortable With Software     [October 2005 issue of 'Keystone Ireland']
Known primarily as a producer of software for the windows industry,'s Comfortable Style and Comfortable Conservatories packages have enjoyed some success. Now the company has its eye firmly set on a wider marketplace. The company has applied the knowledge gained through the development of its sales software to its new admin software, Comfortable Contacts and ComfortablePlanner. Comfortable Contactsis a comprehensive contact management program that enables any company to economically manage its lead and order databases. The software..

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Keystone Ireland issue cover.
Comforting Packages     [October 2005 issue of 'Glass & Glazing Products'] produces software packages aimed at the conservatory and window industry. Recently the company have started diversifying into new markets, both here in the UK and overseas, and it soon became aware of the need for easy to use, affordable, admin software within the industry. In response to its customers' feedback, and with its commitment to continual improvement, the company has developed Comfortable Contacts and ComfortablePlanner..

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GGP - Glass & Glazing Products Magazine cover.
FREE FOR 14 DAYS!     [September 2005 issue of 'Industrial Woodworker'] has released a series of new product trials to give customers a preview of their software's capabilities. The company says it wants people to see for themselves what the software can do for them and their business.

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Industrial Woodworker a Willowe Magazine.
Beantown Beckons for     [ Gl@zine September 2005]
This November the team from is heading Stateside once more as the company's software packages continue to meet with success around the globe. ComfortableConservatories and Style v3 impressed attendees to last year's Win.door show in Toronto, and led to further success for the company. This year, is taking part in the prestigious InterGlassMetal/Fenestration World 2005 show, and the team will not only demonstrate Comfortable Conservatories and Comfortable Style but also the company's new products - ComfortablePlanner and Comfortable Contacts - at the show.

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Click here to go to the Gl@zine online Ezine  Website.

Comfortable Contacts - ComfortableConservatories     [September 2005 issue of 'WFI']
Comfortable Contacts is a comprehensive sales/lead management program designed to enable companies to track, manage, and analyse their customer histories in a clear and straightforward way. The software facilitates the creation of a central and continuously amended database of customer and company contacts..

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Comfortable Conservatories is the latest incarnation of the company's conservatory sales software. The software is a complete design and presentation tool for salesmen, and contains a substantial set of standard conservatory styles, panel options, glass effects, door handles, and roofs and most of these are adaptable to accommodate customers' and companies' specifications.

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WFI Magazine cover.
New Products Unveiled at Glassex 2005     [ JULY 2005 issue of 'South West Vision'] has secured its reputation within the industry for creating practical, powerful, and affordable software with the launch of several new products at this year's Glassex. The company has revamped its popular presentation and sales package, Comfortable Conservatories, with new features and increased accessibility. It now boasts more standard conservatory templates, the capacity to calculate cubic volume, and floor area dimensions, and a new roof cut-out facility...

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Click here to go to the Vision magazine Website. giving your sales "THE BIG EASY"! Clearview June'05
It is fact that photo based conservatory software has been available for a long time but, as the market changes, does your software change with it?
Comfortable Conservatories radically alters the way conservatories are sold and reflects the requirements of the today's market. With more than 40% more designs including lantern roofs, cut-outs and many more enhanced features, this is a definite 'must buy' package.

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Click here to visit the Clearview UK website.
Glassex 2005 was by far the most successful show..     [April 2005 issue of 'The Installer']
For, Glassex 2005 was by far the most successful show at which the company had exhibited. With the latest versions of both Style and Pocket Style V3 on display, Glassex also saw the introduction of Version 2 of Comfortable Conservatories along with the launch of two brand new products, Comfortable Contacts and Comfortable Planner. These products, coupled with a new marketing strategy for Glassex, showed sales figures for orders and deposits taken at the show, up a staggering 18 percent on the previous best figures achieved in 2003. "Following last years show we reduced the number of people used on the stand, on reflection that was a mistake. The stand was so busy, I had very little time to see how good the rest of the show was", commented Operations Manager, Adrian Birch. "We have already booked and confirmed the stand for Glassex 2006".

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The Installer magazine. Enjoys an Upsurge in Overseas Sales - Gl@zine July'04 recently enjoyed an upsurge in overseas sales after exhibiting at the Win·door show in Toronto Canada last month.
Adrian Birch the Operations Manager for says 'I was overwhelmed by the interest shown in our window and conservatory products and the overall friendliness of the exhibitors and visitors at the show. This show truly brought home to me how keen foreign markets are for new software solutions, and the extent to which a lot of overseas businesses really need a software solution as they haven't got one, or need one to replace outdated and non-updated options that do not suit their true requirements, especially for sales.

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Click here to go to the Gl@zine online Ezine  Website.
JUST IT AT WOODMEX     - Industrial Woodworker Sept'04'
IT IS A FACT that photo-based conservatory software has been available for a long time but, as the market changes, does your software change with it?
Comfortable Conservatories is claimed to radically alter the way conservatories are sold and reflects the requirements of today's market..

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Industrial Woodworker a Willowe Magazine.
A new Beginning...     - Glass & Glazing Products March'04
Comfortable Software is to show at Glassex it's all new 100% Windows based software designed to bring ease of use and quality printouts. Described as having incredibly lifelike photo presentations where a user can place the conservatory on to a digital image of the customer's house, the programme also allows for roof order, base plans, quotation forms, order forms and survey sheets.

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GGP - Glass & Glazing Products Magazine cover.
ComfortableSoftware (pt.1)     - WFI March'04
Talking of the new ComfortablePlanner resource management software.. The software has been designed to plan out staff schedules for a variety of different working environments: telesales, canvassers, office staff, sales people, surveyors, installers, engineers, factory workers, delivery drivers or service engineers. It can provide the tools to do the job. You define the areas each person works in and then the days when they are available and the just drag and drop employees to the chosen slot. Quick view changes make it easy to get where you want. The software allows you to share and update information between many users. It can replace T-Card applications and home grown spreadsheets.

ComfortableSoftware (pt.2)     - WFI March'04
Talking of the Style and Pocket Style packages.. Now every business can afford an integrated business wide software solution thanks to the latest versions of Style and Pocket Style from This amazing solution means you can create quotes and orders either on a PC, Laptop or Palm top and share results! Salesmen can prepare quotes or an order which subsequently can be downloaded to the office PC or to the surveyor. In addition to the window, door and patio module, the Style range is now available with bay, conservatory and miscellaneous pricing modules. Information is available on the stand regarding, upgrade deals for existing Style range users and competitive upgrades.
WFI Magazine cover.
Software that Costs you Nothing     - The Installer Dec'03
Used correctly computer software is not a cost to a small business, it is an investment in the business. As business investments go it can have one of the shortest payback periods of any investment you can make.
Those working in the software industry are well pleased to hearing the words 'I wouldn't pay that much for a piece of software'. What the person saying it has usually missed is that they are paying a lot more for not having the software.

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The Installer magazine.
Have more style     - WFI Sept'03
For professional looking quotations you can not beat doing it in "Style v2" from ComfortableSoftware. Show your customer exactly what they will get. It provides colour representations of frame finishes, panels and stained glass options (including REGALEAD ® designs). Drawings are always proportioned to dimensions so customers can see what their new windows and doors will look like. Choose the style, enter the sizes, pick the options and you can print a professional looking quotation that is sure to impress potential clients. Enter the price you want for the job and you are well on your way to winning the order says the company you can even overlay the window/door items configured within "Style v2" on to a digital of a customers house!
WFI Magazine cover.
ComfortableSoftware had a record breaking glassex     - WFI May'03
ComfortableSoftware had a record breaking Glassex with both new customers and existing customers upgrading and purchasing additional products from its rapidly expanding range. The most resounding success came from Digital Conservatories v4 that is now available with a host of additional features including tiled roofs, steps, window and roof blinds, box gutters, over 30 extra conservatory designs and further enhanced image quality.

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WFI Magazine cover.
Get Comfortable!     - WFI March'03
Gadgets, gizmos and executive toys come and go, but intelligent tools designed to make business easier, faster, smarter and more professional are undoubtedly here to stay. Companies that don't grasp the nettle and join the technological revolution, could face a slow withering decline. New software tools not only allow better systems and practices for employees but also enale the homeowner to view their purchase on screen in there own front room...

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WFI Magazine cover.
Software Solutions     - GGP March'03
This year Just IT Solutions division Comfortable Software is offering more easy to use software than ever before on stands A044/046.
The latest Digital Conservatories v3, produces CAD drawings, base layouts and roof layouts. Its most impressive feature is what is described as the superb photo realistic image it can produce of a conservatory on the customer's house. It now comes with extra designs and effect options. Style is a simple presentation tool to help businesses sell more windows and price more accurately. Style Plus adds automatic pricing to this and Pocket Style offers all these on a Palm hand held computer. These powerful packages start from only £395 + VAT but deliver features you would only expect in packages costing much more. If you sell windows, doors or Conservatories then these packages must be worth a look.

GGP - Glass & Glazing Products Magazine cover.
Soft SELL     - WFI Sept'02
Although many companies remain sceptical about its effectiveness, software tools are increasingly used to assist in the sales process. To understand the benefits, WFI spoke with a supplier, a selection of converted salesmen and tested one of the options on the market...

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WFI Magazine cover.
The comfort zone     - Window Industries Sept'02 has launched the estimating software 'Style'. The company claim it enables "Professional looking quotations" and "if you present your estimates with more 'Style' you will win more business."

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Window Industries magazine cover.
Quotations with 'Style'     - Glass Age (now Glass Times) May'02
Professional looking quotations can be produced with 'Style', the new estimating software from
'Style' provides colour representations of frame finishes, panels and stained glass options. Drawings are always proportioned to dimensions so customers can see what their new windows or doors will look like. With 'Style Plus' you also have the price calculated automatically as soon as you have entered the details. New for Interbuild is 'Pocket Style'. This Palm based estimating solution is truly pocket sized. Immensely powerful yet practical and portable 'Pocket Style' is the most professional and cost effective way to price windows and doors on site.
Glass Age Magazine cover.
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